Making the Museum is a newsletter and podcast on exhibition planning for museum leaders, exhibition teams and visitor experience professionals.

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger

Massimo Visits Best Buy

Massimo the exhibition designer walks into Best Buy. “Can I help you?” asks a clerk. “Yes! I have just moved. I need a new TV,” Massimo replies. “Aha! We have a special on this one here! It’s 10 feet wide, 2 feet tall — and curved!” boasts the clerk. …

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger

Tech Top Ten! [Anniversary Week]

Tech, of various flavors, is one of the most asked-for topics in MtM reader surveys, from interactives to media experiences. So it’s no surprise that many of those flavors showed up in today’s list. I’m especially glad that #10 made it! …

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger

Why Not VR?

VR headsets are amazing. But not — usually — for our museum exhibitions. Despite all the times they come up in our meetings. Why? For one, they’re not a group thing. Headsets are individual. Museums aren’t. Do we want an experience for the few? …

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger

Interactive Leftovers

In ancient times, shortly after life emerged from the sea, movies came on DVDs. “Special collector’s editions” had a second disk with “extra” content. We often treat our interactive media experiences like that second DVD. …

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger

7 Truths of QR Codes

Since the QR code comeback, they are up for consideration in every project. And for some things they’re great. But before we put QR codes on every wall, let’s do a quick refresher. Here are 7 truths worth keeping in mind. …

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger

#1 Tip for Digital Signage

What’s digital signage again? It’s the site-based screen media we use for promotion — as opposed to the media we use for edutaining visitors. There is one huge mistake everybody makes with digital signage. Want to avoid it? Here’s the tip: …

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger

QR Code Comeback

In museums and beyond, QR codes are having a comeback. They were invented a generation ago to track parts on Japanese assembly lines. US marketers tried to popularize them 10 years back. They flopped. Then two things happened. …

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger

LED 101: Which Pitch?

LED tiles come in different “pitches”. But what is pitch? Which is best? LEDs are teensy lights in black tiles that build walls like bricks. The fineness of the image depends on the spacing between the lights. That spacing is called “pitch”. …

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger

LED 101: The Sphere, or, Why LED?

ICYMI, last weekend U2 debuted The Sphere, a small moon coated with LEDs. Can’t tell LED from LCD? You’re not alone. We’re all pretending. The IT folks made the acronyms similar so we’ll be confused and accept the price tag. (Just kidding, IT friends!) …

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger

Interactives 101: Sneaky Attract Mode

The most important takeaway of any interactive should get communicated even if visitors don’t interact. Quiz: what is the one thing every interactive element should do? (Hint: it’s the same as any other element.) Answer: communicate its main message. …

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger

Interactives 101: Peak Touchscreen

“Let’s go to the museum so we can use some touchscreens!” — Said No Visitor, Ever. Have you been in a newly-opened exhibition lately, filled with touchscreens worth millions, that nobody uses? I have. A big, famous one. We have reached Peak Touchscreen. …

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger

Projectors 101: Using One Anyway

Sometimes we’re stuck with projectors in bright spaces. Reader A.H. writes: "... we are just embarking on a battle to control the amount of light in an exhibition so the projection doesn’t look milky. Unfortunately, the space can’t be dark …" Here are some approaches …

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger

Projectors 101: When to Use One

Technology changes fast. Flat panels are bigger, LED is cheaper. Both work in sunlight. In classrooms and conferences, projectors are fading. But they are sometimes still necessary in (darker) exhibitions. When? In six “S” situations: …

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger

Projectors 101: No Bright Spaces

If I had a dollar for every time I had to talk someone out of trying to use a projector in a bright exhibition space, I’d have … uh … lemme see … I guess maybe $64. Huh. Anyway, it happens a lot. Despite our peculiar optimism that it will work anyway. Here’s why it won’t.

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Technology Jonathan Alger Technology Jonathan Alger


It’s not an exhibition brainstorming meeting until someone yells out: Hey, what about a … hologram! Usually that’ll be a donor or a non-technical member of the development team, bless their souls. But nearly every “hologram” you will ever see isn’t one. …

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