Massimo Visits Best Buy

Massimo the exhibition designer walks into Best Buy.

“Can I help you?” asks a clerk.

“Yes! I have just moved. I need a new TV,” Massimo replies.

“Aha! We have a special on this one here! It’s 10 feet wide, 2 feet tall — and curved!” boasts the clerk.

“Unique!” says Massimo. “So who makes programs that shape? Netflix?”

“I’m sure! Not my area though!” says the clerk.

“Hm. Maybe I should see a normal one?” asks Massimo.

Later, Massimo presents to his museum client.

“And … the centerpiece will be a huge LED wall!” he proclaims dramatically, clicking the right arrow.

“Unique!” says the museum director.

“Exactly! It’s 30 feet wide, 6 feet tall — and curved!” explains Massimo.

A museum intern in one of the Zoom windows quietly asks, “Is there a library of programs that shape for after opening day?”

“I’m sure! Not my area though!” says Massimo.

Here’s the thing:
People come to our institutions for a long list of different reasons. But I’ll tell you one reason that isn’t on that list.

Visitors don’t come to see our equipment.



Museum Research: Big Data Meets Thick Data, with Elena Kazlas and Adaheid Mestad [PODCAST]


CapEx vs. OpEx