Top Ten! [Anniversary Week]

Thank you!

Thanks to your reading, your support, and your feedback, Making the Museum (the newsletter) just turned … [drum roll] … 1.

A year ago, the first email went out. Along the way, it even spawned a podcast. And over 220 one-minute reads have gone out into the world.

It wouldn’t be an anniversary if we didn’t do some Top Ten lists. So we’ll do three: an overall one, one about content, and one about tech.

First, the Overall Top Ten, as determined by web traffic at, where every post gets collected.

(BTW, #1 was a total surprise.)

Overall Top Ten

What’s Your Staff-to-Visitor Ratio?
Something to brag about

What’s “Program” Mean?
This should be easy

The One Rule of Exhibitions
If we could have only one

Your Museum Isn’t What You Say It Is
We’re not the ones who say

A Solution in Search of a Problem
Cart, meet horse

The We-Gotta-Go Test
Works like a charm

Dr. Seuss Machines (Redux)
Behold the Fork-Fact-inator

Hidden Switchback
From corn mazes to Disney

“Forensic” Facsimiles (Updated)
The trick that’s not a trick

8 Rare Floor Plan Types
New ways to plan


P.S. Tomorrow: Content Top Ten.


Content Top Ten! [Anniversary Week]


Wow, Who Designed That?