LED 101: Which Pitch?

LED tiles come in different “pitches”.

But what is pitch? Which is best?

LEDs are teensy lights in black tiles that build walls like bricks. The fineness of the image depends on the spacing between the lights. The closer they are to each other, the more packed with details your image can be.

That spacing is called “pitch”.

Why? Not even the IT folks know. (Uh, IT friends please write in if you do.)

Pitch is measured in millimeters. You can get pitches like 4mm, 2.5mm, even .9mm. The lower, the better (and the pricier).

Use the Rule of Eight to choose which pitch:

- Take the pitch in millimeters. 
- Multiply that by 8.
- Consider that number to be in feet.

That’s the closest you can come to the LEDs before you’ll see individual LED lights. (Like sitting too close to a TV.)

If your pitch is 2mm, 16 feet is the closest you should come.

.9mm is the lowest pitch you can buy. Some gallery spaces aren’t very wide. Is LED best for small or narrow spaces?

Here’s the thing:
The lower the pitch, the crisper the image. But you might not need the lowest. It depends on how close your audience will come.



“Rapid Experience Design”, with Clare Brown


LED 101: The Sphere, or, Why LED?