Making the Museum is a newsletter and podcast on exhibition planning for museum leaders, exhibition teams and visitor experience professionals.

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MtM is a project of C&G Partners | Design for Culture

Phil & Monique Jonathan Alger Phil & Monique Jonathan Alger

Phil & Monique: Free Cheese

MONIQUE: [Chewing] This free cheese isn’t bad. Museums should give out more free cheese. PHIL: [Stops chewing] What? MONIQUE: Metaphorically. PHIL: Uh oh. [Chews] MONIQUE: See, usually we consider marketing for exhibitions as separate …

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Phil & Monique Jonathan Alger Phil & Monique Jonathan Alger

Phil & Monique: The Iron Triangle

PHIL: This coffee is terrible. No wonder it was so cheap and fast. MONIQUE: Iron Triangle, baby. [Sips matcha] PHIL: Uh, what?MONIQUE: You know, that old saw: “Fast, cheap, or good — pick two.” That’s the Iron Triangle. Especially in exhibitions. PHIL: And coffee? …

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Phil & Monique Jonathan Alger Phil & Monique Jonathan Alger

Phil & Monique: Developments

MONIQUE: I am a developer who would rather be a developer, and I work with people from development, who get funding from developers in development to make developments. SVEN: Uh, what did that mean? PHIL: Don’t encourage her…

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Phil & Monique Jonathan Alger Phil & Monique Jonathan Alger

Phil & Monique: Stradivarius

MONIQUE: Remember that time a famous violinist played a Stradivarius in the subway, thousands passed by, and almost nobody stopped? PHIL: Yeah, it was an experiment for an article about context and public taste. MONIQUE: Right! But …

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Phil & Monique Jonathan Alger Phil & Monique Jonathan Alger

Phil & Monique: Five Whys

PHIL: I have to cut part of my project. MONIQUE: [Looks for barista] Why? PHIL: Out of time. MONIQUE: Why? PHIL: We didn’t have costs until now. MONIQUE: Why? PHIL: [Furrows brow] We didn’t get them estimated yet. MONIQUE: Why? PHIL: [Annoyed] We could only do it at the end! And why do you keep saying why?

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Phil & Monique Jonathan Alger Phil & Monique Jonathan Alger

Phil & Monique: Painstorming

PHIL: Sorry I’m late, I was on Zoom doing some painstorming. MONIQUE: You mean brainstorming. PHIL: What? No, I mean painstorming. MONIQUE: … PHIL: [Smiles] You’ve never heard of it! MONIQUE: What? Well, no, I mean … OK, I haven’t heard of it.

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Phil & Monique Jonathan Alger Phil & Monique Jonathan Alger

Phil & Monique Grab a Coffee

Setting: Regional museum conference. Characters: Monique, exhibition developer at her second museum. Wise beyond her years. Phil, veteran independent museum consultant. Anxiety-prone. Our scene opens at the hotel grab-and-go.

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