Interactives 101: Sneaky Attract Mode

The most important takeaway of any interactive should get communicated even if visitors don’t interact.

Quiz: what is the one thing every interactive element should do?

(Hint: it’s the same as any other element.)

Answer: communicate its main message.

Trouble is, even the most engaging, easy-to-use interactives will only be used by a subset of visitors. Despite big budgets. Especially if we have reached Peak Touchscreen. What to do? Here is the sneaky solution:

The most important takeaway of any interactive should get communicated even if visitors don’t interact.

Yes, I already said that. Before you, ahem, interacted with the rest of the article.

The main message should be in the “attract mode”: the way the interactive looks before you use it. Audiences should not have to interact to take away the main point. The more they interact, the more they will recall it.

“An empty desert is actually full of life.”
“The human body has systems within systems.”
“Minimalism creates beauty from simple elements.”

All before interacting.

Here’s the thing:

Interactives are expensive already. Even worse if their messages are only for the few who interact. Time for Sneaky Attract Mode.



Interactives 101: Apps Within Apps


Interactives 101: Peak Touchscreen