Black Box, White Box

In exhibitions, black box refers to a gallery space that doesn’t matter. It is all black. We take the term from black box theater. That's a performance space that’s cheap and fast to transform with staging and lighting. 

Black box is a term in engineering and airplane safety too. In all three cases, the container is irrelevant. The content is what we care about.

In a white box, the space matters. The container contributes. The building, as we like to say, is your biggest artifact.

White box exhibitions must take cues from the space. It’s more demanding because of the level of coordination required.

Here’s the thing:
Black box — or white box? 

Black box is cheaper and more flexible. Less hassle and coordination. Neutral, not unique. 

White box is slower, more expensive, less flexible. Requires more work and care. Less neutral, more unique. 

Both have their uses. But if you can — always go for white box.



When To Choose Black Box


The Five-Content Framework