The Five-Content Framework

Every visitor experience communicates using five categories of content, in this order.

Inspiration > Persuasion > Orientation > Information > Education

Every experience has all five, even if some are minor.

Inspiration happens first, or visitors won't engage at all.

Persuasion kicks in immediately. All exhibitions persuade. Always.

Orientation is next. What is this? How long? What does it cost?

Information follows. That's biographical, scientific, numerical and other fast facts visitors wonder about.

Education comes last, built on the rest. It's a longer pedagogical process that requires all the types above to work.

So what? This framework leads to many insights: You can’t educate until you inspire. Every experience is persuasive. There is a difference between information and education. Orientation is one of the most important things to do well, first. That’s just a start.

Here’s the thing:
Every new project seems different. But not really. Every experience has five kinds of content, in this order:

Inspiration > Persuasion > Orientation > Information > Education



Black Box, White Box


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