Dull Knives Are More Dangerous

You plan public-facing technology in most of your exhibitions. How cutting-edge should it be? It depends, but here are two things to remember:

First: Nothing dulls faster than the cutting edge.

It’s worth repeating. We all love cutting-edge tech. But in a long-term installation, cutting-edge goes out of fashion faster and makes your spaces look dated. (We’ll look at some strategies to address that in a future note.)

Second: Dull knives are more dangerous.

Dull knives require pressing with more force, so you can slip and lose control. Once cutting-edge tech gets dull, it’s dangerous. You can lose control. It’s harder to maintain, harder to update, and harder to impress tech-savvy visitors with.

Here’s the thing:
Public-facing technology is a given. But you control how cutting-edge it is. Nothing dulls faster than the cutting edge ... and dull knives are more dangerous.


P.S. Hat tip again to Steff Geissbühler, originator of the "Nothing dulls faster..." line.


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