Do Nonprofits Need Profits … the Most?

Now we know, as someone once said, that “nonprofit” doesn’t mean “broke”. *

Let’s say you’re a museum leader, or part of an exhibition team, or a visitor experience pro.

What if I told you ... that a "nonprofit" is a business, and must make a profit to survive?

What if I told you ... that “nonprofit” doesn't mean "it's purpose is not to make profits”?

What if I told you ... that "nonprofit" actually means a business that does make profits, but never gives them to individuals, and instead reinvests them in crucial services for public benefit?

Would that make you feel different?

Would that change how you approach your work?

Would you maybe think it’s even more important for a nonprofit to make a profit — than it is for a for-profit company?

Would you start rethinking the way your exhibitions can have a financial impact? Because if you work for a museum, exhibitions are the core product.

Email me your answer.

Go ahead.


I’ll wait.  :)


* Hat tip to J. Stark


Dull Knives Are More Dangerous


Why Do We Call It Nonprofit?