When To Choose Black Box

White box, black box. In black box strategy, the container doesn't play an active role in the experience. In white box, it does. 

When to choose white box:

It's generally the best choice. In white box, the architecture adds to the value of the experience. "The building is your biggest artifact," so you get that added value. Your project will cost more, but the net value is higher. But there are certain black box situations.

When to choose black box:

1. Money. Black box is the cheapest approach.

2. Darkness. When you need very low room light. Example: immersive art shows.

3. Bad fit. When the building won’t help. Example: immersive experience about refugees, on view in a shopping mall.

4. Traveling. You have to choose black box if you don't know every venue yet. 

Here's the thing:
White box is the best approach, but not the only one. To maximize the value of your projects, watch out for black box situations.


P.S. Have a black box example not mentioned above? Hit reply and let me know.


The Pre-Aging Trick


Black Box, White Box