Projector Coincidence

There are some weird coincidences in our world. Here’s one.

Typical projectors (not short-throw) ideally get placed about as far from an image as 1.5 times the width of that image. For a 10-foot-wide image, the projector will be 15 feet away from it, and often in the ceiling.

Guess how far away from an image a person instinctively stands.

Yep, 1.5 times the width of the image, away from the image. That same 10-foot-wide image will instinctively inspire us to stand about 15 feet away.

Right under the projector.

Where we can’t cast a shadow.

Where we won’t notice that projector directly overhead.

Because straight up is the hardest place to look.

Here’s the thing:
Next time you are looking at a projected image, find the projector. If it’s over your head, you’re in the right spot.


P.S. Or is it a coincidence?


Phil & Monique: Developments


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