We’re Not Our Visitors

All of us at the table at our planning sessions have one thing in common: we’re not our visitors.

But sometimes we act like the project is … for us?

“I know it’s an exhibit about ferns, but I just personally hate green. Can we see a grey option?”

“I know this will be a teen library, but it’s too chaotic. Can we make it more spa-like?”

“Now that the outer space exhibit is installed, it feels too dark to me. I’m turning the lights up.”

It’s vital that all of us get a vote on how things should be. And if a decision is entirely subjective — no one logical answer, no effect on the outcome of the project — all input is welcome.

But if a decision is objective, and will have an impact on success, we have two choices:

1. Use our expertise to anticipate what will best serve our visitors.

2. Ask them. 

Here’s the thing:
We’re not our visitors.

Even if we were, who wants an all-grey exhibit on ferns, a teen library space made for adults, or a outer space exhibit lit like a drugstore?



Projector Coincidence


Dial Everything Else Down