The We-Gotta-Go Test

Here's a quick way to gut-check whether an experiential idea is going to work — before you commit time and money to developing it. Take any idea being considered, put it in the blank in the following sentence, and say that sentence out loud:

“We gotta go see the _____!”

Every word there is important, the punctuation too. Don't leave anything out.

Would lots of your visitors say that sentence?

Try it with each of these sample ideas in the blank. Say the sentence out loud each time. Which passes your gut-check?

  1. Velociraptors

  2. Butterfly-arium

  3. Interactive Painting

  4. Text Panel

  5. iPad

  6. Pie Chart

There is a difference between what visitors would want to see, and what we think they should see. In the heat of a project, we need to constantly remind ourselves which is which. It’s easy to lose track.

Here’s the thing:
Gut-check any idea by trying it in this blank, out loud: “We gotta go see the _____!”


P.S. I’m using a new email method. LMK if this looks wonky. TIA!


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