Tiffany Window

Sometimes you have an object that feels a little too big for its display case.

Sometimes you have an object that’s just the right size.

And sometimes the object feels small compared to its case. 

But wait. Why does “big case, little object” have to be a bad thing?

Imagine a famous jewelry store with display windows facing the street, big dark cases filled with glittering baubles. But one case, in the middle, holds just one thing: a ring. It’s in the center of that middle case, on a terraced pedestal draped with fabric, in a little pool of light, with a little card underneath it.

Of all those cases, which one is the must-see?

Yep. The one in the middle. The big case with the little object.

(It’s the one Audrey Hepburn would be looking at too.)

Of course, you can’t just dump a little thing into a big case and hope. You have to present it like it’s important. There are many ways to do that (for one example, see above).

Here’s the thing:
A “big case, little object” isn’t always a bad thing.

Done right, it’s a Tiffany window.



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