Content Hose

Morning, Bob.

— Morning.

Got the content hose?

— Yep.

Good. Which gallery are we doing?

— Roman.

I think I did half of that yesterday. It’s a blur, right?

— Yep.

OK, here we go. Look, that wall is totally empty. Let ‘er rip.

— Right.

Whoa, that new hose is something.

— Whoa.

They sure did load that thing up with a lot of Etruscan content. Would you expect that much Etruscan content in a Roman gallery?

— Nah.

You missed a spot down there in the corner. The boss says don’t leave any empty space. The hose is almost empty anyway. What’s that last stuff coming out?

— Proto-Indo-Europeans.

And here I thought the Etruscan stuff was overkill.

Here’s the thing:
There’s a temptation to get as much content out on the floor as possible. There’s so much we could say. So much chronology to detail. So much in our collections that nobody has seen yet. And sometimes our experiences are wonderful when they’re bursting at the seams with things visitors love.

But if it’s content we love and they don’t — maybe we’ve gone just a little too far with the content hose.



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