Survey Results: What Topics Do Readers Want More?

Your voice was heard!

Last week, many of you replied to a survey (now closed) about which topics should get covered more here. It was a “select all that apply” checklist.

The Results:

Turns out there was no universally chosen topic, and no universally rejected topic. That said, the leaders were clear.

50% or more of respondents all included these six topics (in the order they were shown in the list):

- Audiences
- Experiences
- Interactives
- Planning
- Strategy

And 30-50% all chose:

- Immersion
- Content

20-30% all chose:

- Technology
- Accessibility
- Contracts 
- Lighting

And the rest were all chosen by less than 20%:

- Architecture
- Managing
- Conservation
- Digital

Every topic has their fans. We won’t leave anyone behind. But you’ll see more emphasis on the most universal topics, and less emphasis on the least, in the future.

But will we see a single article that touches on audiences, experiences, interactive, planning and strategy — all at once?

I guess we just did. But that’s cheating. Stay tuned.


P.S. Don’t agree with the survey results? Have another topic not written here you’d like to hear more about? LMK!

P.S. Phil & Monique came back this week due to demand from a small but, er, vocal group of readers. If you’d like to add your voice to that group (or remove it), LMK!


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