Evil Smile Excellent (Redux)

This one has come up in conversation on projects so often lately that it’s time to put it out there again.

Sometimes, a problem is an opportunity in disguise. Next time one comes up in a planning discussion, try the Evil Smile Excellent trick. It might change the conversation.

It requires some acting. Here’s how it works:

First, state the problem seriously, with professional concern.

Now say it again — but with an evil smile, and start with the word “excellent”. (Steeple your fingers for extra credit.)

For example:

First time, serious: “With that construction next door, we’ll get fewer visitors.”

Second time, evil smile: “Excellent! With that construction next door, we’ll get fewer visitors!”

If you pretend it’s a good thing, you’re more likely to find any silver linings. Maybe having fewer visitors is the perfect time to try a virtual exhibition, or self-serve ticketing.

Here’s the thing:
Sometimes a problem is an opportunity in disguise. See if it is, with the Evil Smile Excellent trick.



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