Short Lattes

Ever wonder why a “small” at Starbucks is a “tall”?

Once, you could order lattes in short, tall, or “grande” (Italian for “large”), but newbies just chose the middle: tall. The chain tried dropping shorts from the menu and adding a bigger size: “venti” (Italian for “twenty” — ounces). Grande, now the middle, became the most popular, making the average order more profitable.

There is a human tendency to avoid low and high, and be in the middle. This phenomenon is everywhere in our field as well, when you know to look:

– Our visitors are streakers, strollers or scholars. But the middle — strollers — is the most common. We can plan accordingly.

– Stakeholders shown three options for our projects will often pick the middle, if they are along a continuum like cost. We can present accordingly.

– In articles giving three examples, the second will often be the one the writer wants you to remember. Don’t be fooled.

Here’s the thing:
When you know the ways to capitalize on this tendency, you’ll be mindful when it’s done to you. And you’ll know how to use it yourself if need be.


P.S. You can still order a short.


Interactive Leftovers


Third-Worst-Case Scenario