Project Onto Stuff

There are two tricks that are so good, they work every time. So good, they work on experts who know the trick.

This is one of those. This works even if the budget is low. Even if you just did it last time, or in the same room. Even if the subject doesn’t fit.

Project onto stuff.

Get a projector, and project some media onto some stuff. Any projector. Any stuff. Not a screen. 

Ideally get a projector that will ventilate at an odd angle, and use media content related to the stuff. (But it would work even if you didn’t.)

You can project onto books. The hull of a wreck. A pile of dolls. Moving smoke. You can project onto different stuff put together, or very small stuff, or stuff above you. Or onto your visitors.

I can’t believe it’s not everywhere. (It would still work, even if it were everywhere.)

Here’s the thing:
There are two tricks that work every time, no matter what. One of them is this:

Project onto stuff.



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