Never Put the Mona Lisa in the Lobby

The Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world. It was once stolen and later returned, which only made it more famous. On its own, it attracts about 30,000 people. A day.

So. If you have a Mona Lisa … where do you put it?

From an accessibility point of view, you should put it in the main lobby. From a conservation point of view, you should put it into storage. From an art history point of view, you should put it in a gallery between other similar paintings.

But the Louvre doesn't do any of those things.

The Mona Lisa lives in the Denon Wing, in the Salle des États, far from the front door. To get to it, you walk past hundreds of other artworks you would never have seen otherwise.

Where does Walmart put their Mona Lisa (the consumer electronics department)? On the back wall, far from the front — because that will increase sales in every other department.

Here's the thing:

Whatever your biggest draw is, put it far from the entry, and it will draw visitors to everything else. Never put the Mona Lisa in the lobby.



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