Office Supplies Make Everyone Feel Smart

Ah, the humble Post-it.

Classic yellow, light pink, pale blue. Never has there been an office supply icon so treasured, yet so reviled. A staple of low-budget interactive experiences for a generation, museum teams either love or hate these little squares. Which side are you on? 

I’m a fan. 

Not because it’s the most novel thing I can come up with. I am a Fan of the Post-it for a different reason: because everyone feels smart using them.

Many visitors won’t admit they’re uneasy with the high-tech doodads we dream up. Some don’t want to spend their day off learning unfamiliar tools, or looking dumb doing it. Observe any gesture-based interactive station for an hour. See?

Not so with office supplies. Office supplies make everyone feel smart.

I am not anti-tech. I am the opposite. Bigly. But that doesn’t stop me from being a Fan of the Post-it.

Here’s the thing:
Next time, before we ask what would make us feel smart as an idea for a visitor experience, let’s ask what would make our visitors feel smart.



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Mental Models