Reduce Interdependence

The starting pistol fires. The 4x100 relay race is on.

Each runner runs, then hands a baton to their next teammate. For the team to finish, each runner must finish. If any runner is delayed, that delays the team. If anyone fails with an injury, the team fails.

Each runner depends on the previous runner. The team is interdependent.

Museum and exhibition projects are interdependent. To complete one, many people need to do their job well, on time. This includes leaders, fundraisers, researchers, designers, builders, marketers — and often hundreds more. If fundraisers get delayed raising money, or designers get delayed with approvals, the entire project gets delayed by that amount.

More delays, larger total delay.

Here’s the thing:
Interdependence means more points of potential failure. What’s a smart way to make a project less likely to fail?

Reduce interdependence.

Any way you can. Every reduction, however small, reduces risk of failure directly and immediately.



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