Museum as Lab, with Ann Neumann (Podcast)
What if a museum were more like a laboratory?
What if our exhibits were experiments? What if our galleries were more about questions, rather than answers? What if we didn’t fear failure as much? What if scientists, artists, and technologists all created exhibitions together? What happens when you edit an exhibit about editing DNA? Should every project have a post-opening contingency — in addition to the normal kind?
Ann Neumann (Director of Galleries and Exhibitions, MIT Museum) discusses “Museum as Lab” with host Jonathan Alger (Managing Partner, C&G Partners | The Exhibition and Experience Design Studio).
Along the way: circadian rhythms, robots, maritime paintings, and a huge spiderweb you can play like a musical instrument.
Talking Points:
1. The MIT Museum
2. Scientists, Artists, and Technologists
3. Editing the Genetics Gallery
4. Spiderweb Concert
5. Circadian Biology: Lighten Up
6. Moving 1,500,000 Objects
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Guest Bio:
Ann Neumann, Director of Galleries and Exhibitions at the MIT Museum, leads conceptual planning of museum exhibitions presenting MIT’s research, collections, and innovation in science, art, design, and technology in the heart of the biotech corridor. Her focus is on the museum as an experimental test bed for ideas, conversations, and experiences that reflect the critical issues of culture and society. She’s the recipient of numerous awards for her work and was named a Blooloop Museum Influencer in 2024. Her experience developing museums and science centers in the US and internationally reflects a commitment to expanding the human experience and science understanding through interdisciplinary collaborations, visual communication, and the built environment.
About Making the Museum:
Making the Museum is hosted (podcast) and written (newsletter) by Jonathan Alger. MtM is a project of C&G Partners | The Exhibition and Experience Design Studio.
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Host Jonathan Alger, Managing Partner of C&G Partners, on LinkedIn:
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