How Much Tech?

A student once asked me, “How much of an exhibit should be interactive technology?”

I replied, “37%.”

When the student wrote this down, I rushed to say I wasn’t serious. I gave the real answer: it depends.

The student didn’t write that one down.

(Note: If he asked me again today, I might just say, “Less than 20%, but make it seem like more than 50%.” Just kidding. Maybe.)

It’s not 37%. But I will tell you another number that isn’t it: 100%.

Recently, I went to a museum I hadn’t visited in years. Part of its fame was a decision around 10 years ago to go all-in with technology. Every visitor got a device to take with them throughout the museum, and there were touch-tables everywhere. There was an interactive media room.

Fast forward, last week: no more devices for visitors. Why? “We ran out of money.” Those touch tables? Still there, but all with a sign reading “out of order”. The interactive room? Same.

Here’s the thing:
The answer isn’t 37%. Or 100%.

But decades into our giant experiment with museum tech, we all still have a lot to discuss about how much tech we actually can support.



Visuals First


Personal Testimony Trick