In Between Ph.D.s and Middle Schoolers

High school teachers (who are awesome) need to know more than their students, but not tons and tons more. As a senior, I had a 27-year-old French teacher. But in exhibitions, we have Ph.D.s trying to explain astronomical redshift to middle schoolers.

That’s where you come in. 

Your job happens in between the Ph.D.s and the middle schoolers. You make an experience that works for both. You help those who know too much communicate with those who know too little.

And these are some of your tools:
- Protecting your professional ignorance
- Never convincing the convinced
- The evil smile excellent trick
- Asking the seven questions
- Verifying the five-content framework
- Knowing you can't have it fast, cheap and good
- The velvet hammer (more on that one soon)

Here’s the thing:
The knowledge gap between experts and their audience is so wide, you could fit a person in there. 

And that person is you.



Two Truths About Sound Bleed


A Radical Approach to Exhibit Text