
The Euro 2024 right now is huge. It’s the big European soccer showdown every four years. The viewership of the final game equals half the entire population of Europe. Hundreds of people work for years for each team.

Yet despite that scale, it has only one goal. Every player knows it. Every fan in the stadium knows. Half of Europe knows.

Even people who don’t care know.

Because there is only one goal: goals.


And that goal is the same … in every soccer game ever played.

What is the goal of your current exhibition project?

The one main purpose? That makes everything else secondary? That makes it critical you succeed?

Exhibition projects can also involve hundreds of people for years. But I have never worked on one where everyone shared a single simple project goal. Often even the person who started it can’t say in the end.

If we all don’t have a shared goal, how do we know if we’re playing right? How do we even know what the game is?

Here’s the thing:
Exhibition teams are talented, driven, exceptional people. Imagine how powerful those teams would be, if they were all that — and had one shared goal for every project.



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