What’ll Visitor Services Say?

Test your new exhibition or experience idea fast — by filling in the blanks in the short script below. Imagine visitor services staff at the front desk saying exactly this to visitors. You’d be surprised how fast the results are obvious.

Here’s the script:

“And folks, you definitely have to go see our new [ENGAGING NAME]! It’s [TRUE ADJECTIVE]!”

Let’s try a few.

“And folks, you definitely have to go see our new hallway of fern photos — it’s educational!”


“And folks, you definitely have to go see our new fern lab — it’s interactive!”

Uh, maybe.

“Folks, you definitely have to go see our new immersive Fern-O-Sphere! It’s fern-o-riffic!”

I’m headed to the Fern-O-Sphere. Who’s with me?

Here’s the thing:
If visitor services can’t get your visitors there … they might not get there.


P.S. Got a current project you’d like to test this script on? I’d love to see your results.

P.P.S. Here’s
another test script I like, from the visitor's perspective.


Behind the Scenes at "Exhibition" Journal, with Ian Kerrigan


Short-Term Trends in Long-Term Projects