What Do You Want More Of?

Help me help you.

We cover a lot here. Anything that might help our projects open on time, on budget, to rave reviews. But which topics are the most important to you?

This One-Question Survey will take you maybe 15 seconds — 15 seconds! — and it’s right here.

And here’s the question in advance, even:

Which topics do you want to see covered more? (Check all that apply.)

- Immersion
- Strategy
- Audiences
- Technology
- Content
- Sustainability
- Architecture
- Managing
- Accessibility
- Conservation
- Digital
- Contracts
- Experiences
- Lighting
- Interactives
- None of the above
- Other (Please specify)

Here’s the thing:
This is your chance to ask for the insights you most need. Take 15 seconds right here — and let your voice be heard!


P.S. Here’s that survey link again.


Making the Museum – LIVE!


The Visitor Engagement Lifecycle, with Samir Bitar