We Forget

I think we might need a little pro-visitor devotional. Then I have a question for you.

We forget.

We forget every day, and need reminding.

We forget that we are experts. We can’t unlearn our subject.

We forget we can’t automatically empathize with our visitors’ level of knowledge. We have to actively do so.

We forget we should stop adding just a little more — just a little more insight, just a few more words — to the exhibition we are planning.

We forget that our visitors come to our exhibitions to be inspired for a little while.

We forget they don’t primarily come to have the educational experience we mistakenly believe they want.

We forget our exhibition is not going to grant a master’s degree to our visitors.

In an hour.

While standing.

Here’s the thing:
Sometimes we need reminding. We are not our visitors. We have to constantly think about how they feel, how they think, how they get inspired.

Because we forget.


P.S. Huh. The Projectors 101 and Immersion 101 series were surprisingly popular. What “101” series would you like to see? HIT REPLY and name all that apply. Your wish is my command. Within, er, reason.


Cheat Sheet: Words for Objects


Immersion 101: Cons & Pros