Un-Network Them

Here’s a simple idea that could save you a couple of million, depending on the scale of your projects.

Mission-driven organizations are rarely in the tech business. But they get saddled with plenty of experiential media tech anyway. Long enough now for us to see patterns.

One day soon, we all know that sparkly new tech will misbehave. And non-technical owner organizations likely won’t be able to keep up.

How can we make our tech-heavy exhibitions less prone to failure? Here’s an easy idea, one I like partly for its blasphemy:

Un-network them.

Machines tethered to the internet are pulled along as the internet changes, which is fast. And if they are networked to any other machine or sensor that could also fail, well, you get the idea.

Un-network them — by designing them to be beautiful, timeless lone wolves from the start — and they’ll purr along, blissfully ignorant.

I know, wolves probably don’t purr. Maybe sometimes?

Here’s the thing:
Devices are unreliable. Devices that rely on other devices, even more so.

Decrease downtime by un-networking your tech from the start, whenever you can.



Thing-Based? Or Idea-Based?