Thing-Based or Idea-Based?

Quick, what’s your new exhibition based on?

A. Thing-based
B. Idea-based
C. Wait, is this a trick question?

A. Thing-Based
Your exhibition is thing-based. You have amazing things for visitors. You could match ideas with them to create takeaway messages. But it’s not a must.

B. Idea-Based
Your exhibition is idea-based. You have amazing ideas and stories for visitors. You could match up things with them. But it’s not a must.

C. Wait, is this a trick question?
Yep, it’s a trick question. Because all exhibitions are both. Some might be heavily slanted one way or the other, but never 100%.


Because by definition, an exhibition exhibits things. Collections objects, images, texts, videos, documents: things. Or you wouldn’t call it an exhibition.

And, because it is planned and experienced by people, it sends ideas. You can’t have no ideas associated with one, whether you control those ideas or not.

Here’s the thing:
All exhibitions are thing-based AND idea-based.

And every exhibition team — and team member — should try to get really good at thinking about both.


P.S. What do you think? Hit REPLY and LMK. I reply to every email. :)


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