The Five Tropes

What’s a trope?

trope (noun):
In art or literature, something such as an idea, phrase, or image that is often used in a particular artist’s work, in a particular type of art, in the media, etc. Example: “Human-like robots are a classic trope of science fiction.” Via
Cambridge Dictionary.

Tropes don’t only appear in a genre. They define the genre. Here are five from museum exhibitions:

#1. The Systematic Rail
Three feet off the ground. Keeps visitors from the displays. Often has information perched on it.

#2. The Vitrine
A classic, especially when containing things that don’t seem valuable (e.g., wooden farm tools).

#3. The Interactive Touch Table
The museum tech trend that refuses to die.

#4. The Title Wall
Large text on a wall near the entry, surrounded by visitors who are all momentarily scholars, rather than streakers or strollers.

#5. The Salon Wall
Many framed items on one wall. Requires at least two rows of items to work. A counterintuitive way to solve clutter.

Bonuses: Track Lights, Wood Floor, White Walls, Backless Bench
Also tropes, but not unique to exhibitions.

Here’s the thing:
Got one of these tropes? Might be a museum exhibition.

All five? It’s definitely a museum exhibition.


P.S. Got a trope? Hit REPLY and LMK!


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