The Actor and Her Light

The audience hushes as the actor enters. She glides through shadows to a pool of light, and begins to speak.

In a dark theater, an actor is irrelevant until they are lit. The starting condition is darkness. If the actor isn’t lit, the actor isn’t there. So the light that falls on them is no accident. It has been set beforehand to happen.

Every actor has a light pre-assigned whenever they do something important.

Every light has a purpose to light what’s important.

The actor and her light are a pair.

Here’s the thing:
Our experiences have more in common with theater than almost any other kind of space. Every element needs at least one light assigned to it, dedicated or shared.

When you imagine a new element, lights should pop into existence in your mind to light it. Is there a location nearby for lights? How far away? Where? If you decide not to have that element, those lights can disappear from your mind as easily as they came.

Until you do — that exhibition element and its light are a pair.



Phil & Monique: Stradivarius

