Skimmers, Swimmers, Divers

And you might come across two other variations on "streakers, strollers, scholars" (aka, the psychographics of attention span). One of these might be a better model for your situation.

Skimmers, Swimmers, Divers
In web development, you might hear this variation. It seems based on … waterfowl? That can’t be right. Anyone know?

- Skimmers skip along the surface of the water, never in it.
- Swimmers are always in the water, but not deep.
- Divers are constantly deep, and staying down.

Fish, Butterflies, Ants
And there is a critter version too. With bonus fourth type, even.

- Fish swim around in the center of the room, avoiding details.
- Butterflies flit where they like, stopping randomly for details.
- Ants march to see every detail, in order.
- Bonus: Grasshoppers hop between pre-selected areas, and ignore the rest.

(Would it have been so hard to have all four be insects?)

For me, streakers-strollers-scholars FTW. Why? Because it evokes humans moving in a space.

Here’s the thing:
Understanding our visitors in terms of their attention spans is a critical planning tool. Pick whichever model suits you best.



Experiential Tech Insights, with Will Bullins from Electrosonic


Streakers, Strollers, Scholars