React Fast to Expensive Suggestions

When a stakeholder or colleague suggests expensive additions midway through a project, make it gently clear — on the spot — if you think it might be over budget. Don’t refuse. Just be clear.

(This is a black belt cost control tip. See them all here.)

Why say something?
If you don’t, you are saying it’s not a problem.

Why on the spot?
When the next estimate arrives, that person won’t realize they might have pushed it over. Nor would anyone like hearing about it so long after.

Why you?
To paraphrase some old poker wisdom, if you’re looking around the meeting room and can’t tell who is responsible for the project budget, assume you are.

Here’s the thing:
React fast to expensive suggestions. If you don’t, you’re just postponing the inevitable. And it will certainly be less pretty the next time it comes up.


P.S. That old poker wisdom: ”If you're playing a poker game and you look around the table and can't tell who the sucker is, it's you.”


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