Ask 7 Questions

The five classic questions journalists use to plan articles are Who, What, When, Where and Why. Many add How and How Much.

This time-tested approach works to plan other things too, like exhibitions. I've asked clients these seven questions countless times, to start and guide what I do.

Here’s the museum project version. It's surprising how some of these answers sometimes never become clear. Try answering every question, precisely and concisely, for your current project:

Who is it for?
What will it be?
When will it open?
Where will it be?
Why are we doing it?
How will we do it?
How much will it cost?

How did you do? I bet one made you smile, and one made you nervous. Number five, maybe?

Here’s the thing:
It’s easy to lose sight of goals over time, especially if they’re not set to begin with. Asking good questions helps. You won’t go far wrong with Who, What, When, Where, Why, How and How Much.



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