James Bond Intro Text

What’s up with exhibition intro text? 

You know, that big wall at the entry, with hundreds of words, a title, and sponsor names?

Yeah, let’s rethink that a sec.

First, I’m sure we can all agree that we don’t need that many words. (Right?)

But let’s talk location too. Because no rule says that intro texts have to be the first thing you see.

Star Wars movies famously start with a long block of text, before anything happens. But James Bond movies famously just … start. And that scene goes on for a while before the titles.

If we had to choose one of those two approaches for every movie, we’d probably take the Bond option. (Right?)

So why can’t our next exhibition take the Bond option? Instead of a big wall with text to ponder for ten minutes, let’s just … start. Walk through an immersive video tunnel. Look at a single amazing object alone in a spotlight. Enter an empty room with a curious smell.

Sure, we’ll do the intro. Later.

Here’s the thing:

Intros don’t have to be at the beginning.

And if that’s true, what else could we rethink?



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