Fast, Cheap or Good: Pick Two

Time, money and quality are the three basic factors in exhibition project delivery. Given standard time and standard money, we can deliver standard quality.

What happens when one factor isn't standard? What if we’re asked to deliver faster, or cheaper, or better than standard? What if we’re asked to do two at once? All three? When should we say no?

There's an old rule of thumb to help with that. It's worth a look, even if you think you know it:

Fast, cheap or good: pick two.

Fast and cheap? OK, but it won’t be good.
and good? OK, but it won't be cheap.
and good? OK, but it won't be fast.

Fast, cheap and good? Impossible. Pick two.

Here’s the thing:
The next time you’re asked to deliver an exhibition project faster, cheaper, better — or any combination of those — dust off this old rule of thumb:

Fast, cheap or good: pick two.



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