Great Idea, You’re Hired

Exhibition planning and design is a team sport. 

Yes, it does take experienced team leaders to finish projects on time, on budget, to rave reviews.

But that doesn’t mean great ideas are exclusively the domain of a leader, or even the senior members of a team.

Nor are great ideas only generated by people who have “creative” jobs.

I have a one-liner I use all the time when I’m talking with our cultural clients and broader consultant teams. Whenever anybody who doesn’t work for me has a great idea, I acknowledge it right away by saying, “Great idea, you’re hired.“

That line always gets a laugh. I’m not totally sure why. But I keep using it.

(It also gets a laugh when I say it to people who do work for me, but I‘m guessing it’s for different reasons.)

I am on the edge of my seat in every meeting, waiting to see if a great idea shows up on the radar. When it does, I am quick to pounce. 

Here’s the thing:
Exhibition planning and design is a team sport, and great ideas can come from anybody. 

Be ready to recognize the next one.



How Not to Design a Timeline


Beyond “Exit Through the Gift Shop”, with David Franke (Podcast)