Genre Expectations

It’s genre week! #2 of 3.

Remember the “Lone Ranger” remake years ago? Johnny Depp played Tonto.

You might not. It flopped.

It flopped because of what the audience expected versus what they got. They expected a classic western. But they got a comedy-action movie, and that disappointed them.

(Culturally insensitive casting maybe didn’t help?)

For exhibitions, genre expectations are critical. Veer too far, and you can expect problems. Stick closer, and you’re safer (if not original).

For example:

A natural history museum better have lots of specimens. Fossils. Specifically, dinosaurs. Make it mostly photo galleries and you won’t get a lot of memberships.

A digital immersive art show better have lots of rooms with big trippy projections. Make it mostly rare actual art, and oddly enough, you’re playing with fire.

A science center better have a lot of hands-on things for middle schoolers. Too many wall charts on astronomical redshift, and you won’t need all that bus parking.

Here’s the thing:
Straying too far from genre expectations can be risky (remember Tonto). Staying closer is safer. 

But playing it safe won’t get us points for originality. 

So next, we’ll explore how to invent a new genre.



Tutankhamun, Get Out


Genre in Exhibitions