At First, Make No Small Steps

At the start of an exhibition project, you don't know where you'll end. You have a vague goal, a team of people and a blank sheet of paper. Terrifying.

But make no small steps.

Small steps feel safer. But at the start of a project, small steps will kill it. Drain the budget. Put it in a coma.

Make only big steps. There are phases later whose purpose is to make small steps, to do details. But not now.

These big steps are allowed to be a mess, impossible, over budget, laughable. Because big steps do something small ones can't.

Here’s the thing:
It is more likely to find a few brilliant ideas by throwing a bunch of spaghetti at the wall than by taking a bunch of small steps and discussing them to death. At first, make no small steps.



Exhibition: Product or Campaign?


Don’t Convince the Convinced