The One Rule of Exhibitions

Strategies, principles, tricks, and tips abound. But the One Rule of Exhibitions stands alone [dramatic music]:

Exhibitions are primarily a medium for communication.

Said another way, exhibitions are a channel used to send messages from a source to an audience. Everything else is secondary. Half of the strategies we cover here at MtM relate to — or derive from — the One Rule.

If the One Rule were all you knew, you’d be halfway to many others. For example:

- You’d almost know Inspiration Before Education.
- You’d almost know The Five-Content Framework.
- You’d almost know Professional Ignorance is an Asset.

You’d also know what exhibitions aren’t. For example:

- Exhibitions aren’t primarily about collections.
- Exhibitions aren't primarily about design.
- Exhibitions aren't primarily about technology.

Here’s the thing:
Exhibitions are primarily a medium for communication. What is the message? Who is it from? Who is it for? Every other question is secondary.



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10 Myths About Artifacts (#6-10)