Disaster Questions

Exhibition planning meeting running low on bold ideas? Here‘s a simple trick: as a thought exercise, ask some “disaster questions”.

1. Only One Thing
What if we could only exhibit one thing? How would we make it amazing? Why not do that anyway?

2. Half the Budget
What if our budget got cut? What would we decide is the core? Why not make that the core anyway?

3. Half the Time
What if our schedule got cut in half? How would we be twice as efficient? Why not be that efficient anyway?

4. No Existing Audience
What if our exhibition got moved to a venue with no existing audience? How would we get the word out? Why not do that anyway?

5. No Promo Budget
What if our exhibition had only word of mouth? How would we make it so great visitors would tell others? Why not make it that great anyway?

Here’s the thing:
Constraints inspire innovation. So can imagining them. Ask some “disaster questions” the next time you need bold ideas.


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MtM Word of the Day:
Leading. [LEDD-ing] In typography, the empty space between one horizontal line of text and the line below it. Originally named after the spacer bar of lead placed between horizontal lines of metal letters in printing presses. (Pro tip: the pronunciation is different than LEED-ing, which is a word that’s spelled the same but means "foremost.")


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