Branding My Exhibition Space: Yes or No?

This comes up regularly.

Your organization has a visual brand, and you’re not sure if those logos, colors, and typefaces should be applied to your exhibition space.

Here are your options. (Unsure? Pick #1.)

Option 1: No.
The option most people should pick. Don't use the organization’s brand. This applies (a) when your brand might change before your exhibition does, and (b) when you have many exhibitions that regularly change. This doesn’t mean no spatial branding. Just don’t use your organization’s brand.

Option 2: Yes.
If you can afford to redo the exhibition if the brand changes, and you want your space to act as a physical brand (e.g., visitor center, corporate lobby, museum is one big exhibition). Use it all: color, logo, symbols, typography, etc.

Option 2: Somewhat.
Rare. If you’re somewhere between yes and no, pick the one or two brand elements least likely to change (it’s usually color).

Here’s the thing:
Spatial branding is a powerful way to get your identity across. But consider your situation before painting everything your signature pink.


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