Beige Butterflies

An exhibition of rare books and manuscripts is a flock of beige butterflies.

The books are beige paper. Wings spread, perched in rows under glass, floating just above the decks of tabletop display cases.

The manuscripts, butterflies with wings closed, float at angles nearby.

And what is the most common color of fabric background we put these gentle beings upon?



But beige butterflies can’t be seen on beige trees.

Imagine instead a whole flock roosting on a background of rich velvety blue.

Or deep royal red.

Or glittery dark green.

Now the room isn’t beige anymore.

And the books glow in contrast.

And the butterflies … are the whole point.

Here’s the thing:
Beige butterflies can’t be seen on beige trees.

But there is an infinite number of non-beige colors we can put behind our butterflies.

Let’s try them all.


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