Bad On YouTube

Our visitors are surrounded by infinite media better-funded than anything we will ever do. In a fair fight, we lose.

So make it unfair. Capitalize on what makes exhibition media unique. Because it’s exhibition media.

First, it can be site-specific. You can make it aware of what will be around it. Narrator mentions pteranodon suspended above projection? Check. Interactive wall turns kids into cacti — next to real cacti? Check. Can't do that on YouTube.

Second, it’s in a space we control. We can make it special-format. 100 tiny screens in a DNA spiral? Sure. Projected onto Winged Victory of Samothrace? Sure. We don't require a universal format. We control both production and playback. Can't do that on YouTube.

And you don’t need interactive cacti (interacti?) or a Louvre treasure. Your media just has to be site-specific enough to be site-specific. Special-format enough to be special-format. Just enough … that it doesn't work on YouTube.

And that's how you know it's good.

Here’s the thing:
Visitors will compare your exhibition media to infinite better-funded stuff by others. But you have what they never will: site-specific media in whatever format you want.

Make your media bad on YouTube.



Spatially Specific


A Guitar That Teaches Civil Rights, with Michele Y. Smith (Podcast)