As Dimensional As Possible

What the…? Apparently, some Outlook users have seen the same podcast promo visual in every MtM email for weeks. It’s a ghost in the machine, but only in some Outlook programs. So sorry! Should be fixed now. Outlook users: still see it? LMK!

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Here’s a thought that’s crazy but true: an exhibition is a communication medium you can walk through.

Unlike almost any other channel of communication, exhibitions are dimensional. And the audience is physically inside the channel.

(Take that, Netflix.)

This brings us to one of the sacred rules of exhibitions. Which I have just made up. If you don’t like it, you know whom to blame. But it will still be true:

Make exhibitions as dimensional as possible.

Exhibitions have competition (Netflix). They also have an advantage (dimensionality). To outdo the competition, exploit that advantage. Make the space of the exhibition — and all its parts — as impressively and cleverly three-dimensional as possible.

If our building is already interestingly three-dimensional, we’re partway there.

If not, let’s get to work.

Many projects disregard this rule. Possibly because it didn’t exist until just now. But it’s usually not that hard. We just have to remember to try.

Here’s the thing:
Exploit your natural advantage. Make exhibitions as dimensional as possible.


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MtM Word of the Day:
Maintenance manual. A comprehensive document, sometimes in a binder, with all the information needed for an owner to maintain an exhibition. Typically produced by the builders at the end of a project, the manual includes instructions to replenish consumables, repair problems, and access behind-the-scenes areas.


The Five Tropes