Streakers, Strollers and Scholars - Part I

We can think about our visitors using demographics: age, gender, and religion. We can sort them by psychographics: lifestyle, political affiliation, and values. But I prefer to plan according to attention span: streakers, strollers, and scholars.

Streakers move fast, not pausing for details. For them, experiences need to communicate at a glance.

Strollers are slower, but moving. They pause for details when they're interested. So they need navigable layers of information.

Scholars need to experience every detail. They try to guess the best way to see everything. So they need logical structure.

Visitors come in all three types, so we have to consider them all. By the way, a visitor can switch between attention span types while they are with you.

Here’s the thing:
Experiences fail when they don't cater to all three types of visitor attention span: streakers, strollers and scholars.


P.S. In Part II, extra credit: two more useful attention span frameworks.


Streakers, Strollers and Scholars - Part II


The Visitor Center Paradox