8 Rare Floor Plan Types

Floor plans commonly show walls, furniture, windows, and doors. Less common types are used to plan electrical circuits, lighting systems, and structural elements.

Then there are the rare types no one knows about.

Except now you do.

1. Artifact Floor Plan
Highlights only where artifacts are, to ensure the best distribution.

2. Audio Source Floor Plan
Shows where each audio source is, to avoid cacophony.

3. Soundscape Floor Plan
Identifies zones with ambient soundscapes, to orchestrate mood.

4. Interactives Floor Plan
Shows location of each interactive, to make sure they don’t compete.

5. Emotional Floor Plan

Labels each area with the emotion planners want visitors to feel.

6. Setting Floor Plan
Labels areas by a setting to evoke or simulate (airport, wartime trench, Martian valley).

7. Color Floor Plan
Labels each area by the palette it will have, to keep color tightly planned.

8. Story Arc Floor Plan
Maps a story arc (exposition, rising action, climax) onto the overall path to maintain excitement.

Here’s the thing:
Floor plans don’t only plan walls and windows. They can plan emotions, colors, sounds, and anything else we want our visitors to experience.

Try one.



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Phil & Monique: Bad Touchscreens (MAAM Edition)